Allowing Time to Grieve

I got my layoff notice on Thursday, it wasn’t that big a surprise, I worked for a huge University and with campuses shut down this Spring and so many unknowns for the future they had to cut costs.

So, I kept telling myself that I shouldn’t ‘over-react’ because I still have it so much better than so many people, My husband’s job is secure and he’s the main bread-winner, my family is still healthy, we have a ridiculous amount of meat in the freezer, but then I read an article about BrenĂ© Brown’s podcasts.

A guest of hers talked about how everyone is grieving the loss of ‘normal’ and we should take time to grieve. And more importantly, that we should not compare our grief to anyone else’s. Just because someone has it worse than me doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to grieve.

I have trouble with the whole concept of vulnerability and especially when it comes to things like jobs where a loss of one feels like a kind of failure. Hearing that, being given permission to grieve, helped; it allowed me to cry, and get angry, and process. It’s only been a few days so I’m sure I will continue to process and Feel but because it helped so much I wanted to let you know.