Embracing Growing Things

I’m so excited to share this with you guys! This is the first year I have actually managed to plant a garden and have it grow. The sense of accomplishment is HUGE. Not to mention that in this time of heightened anxiety, with so many unknowns, I find myself turning more and more to growing things. The contented pleasure of seeing little sprouts pop out of the soil just does my heart good.

I’m also learning new things, which is one of my true joys. Spinach it turns out, once it first pops up out of the ground, is not the weed my mind thinks it resembles (and should not be removed).

Example of online gardening tool
Online gardening planning tool from Gardener’s Supply Co

In order to increase my chances of success I decided to try square foot gardening this year and, so far, it’s working out really well. I set up an 11’-4’ raised bed, I mapped out my plants using a free online planner like the one at Gardener’s Supply Company. It even tells me when to plant each vegetable and how to harvest!

So far my peas, spinach, swiss chard, broccoli, and tomatoes are in and doing well.

Have you started to garden this Spring? How’s it going? Any tips to share??